Below are all of the products that Kohout Enterprises currently sells. Please click on the links for more detailed information about each product.
Price: $125
NEW ITEM!! The System 3/4 Sound Board. A direct replacement option. Just as all the Kohout Enterprises Boards, there is a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replace warranty.

Price: $79
The System 11c Sound Overlay board for Whirlwind. Just as all the Kohout Enterprises Boards, there is a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replace warranty.
Price: $215 / $225
NEW ITEM!! This is a direct replacement for Williams Sound board D-11581. This board is used in many Williams System 11c pinball machines.

Price: $175 / $185
NEW ITEM!! May 2020. We have combined the sound and speech board into one board with additional improvements. You can add another speaker to your pinball machine with this new board!! Just as all the Kohout Enterprises Boards, there is a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replace warranty.
Price: $275 Main / $499 Main & Driver
Click on the link above to order and for more information. This is a drop in replacement for many System 3-7 games and has many improvements from the original. This will keep your game running for many years to come. Just like all the replacement boards, it comes with a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replacement warranty.

Price: $275 Driver / $499 Main & Driver
Click on the link above to order and for more information. This is a drop in replacement for most System 3-7 Games and has many improvements from the original. This will keep your game running for many years to come. Save money by buying the Driver Board and Main Board together. Just like all the replacement boards, it comes with a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replacement warranty.
Price: $70
This is a drop in replacement Speech Board for System 6, 7 and 9 games and has many improvements from the original. This will keep your game running for many years to come. Just like all the replacement boards, it comes with a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replacement warranty.

Price: $119
Replace your old Sound Board with this new production Sound Board! Many improvements to keep you machine running for many years to come. Easy to configure and identical hookup makes it easy for anyone to install. Just as all the Kohout Enterprises Boards, there is a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replace warranty. See the support page for more details.
Price: $35
This is a drop in replacement Flipper Power Supply Board for System 6, 7 and 11 games and has many improvements from the original. This will keep your game running for many years to come. Just like all the replacement boards, it comes with a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replacement warranty.

Price: $149
This is a drop in replacement Auxiliary Power Supply Power board for Williams System 11 games and has many improvements from the original. Just like all the replacement boards, it comes with a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replacement warranty.
Price: $89
True “plug and play” replacement board for your System 11 pinball machine. Kohout Enterprises Boards feature a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replace warranty. See the support page for more details.

Price: $25 / $20
This is a drop in replacement Snubber and Relay boards for Williams System 11 games and has many improvements from the original. Click on the picture for more information. Just like all the replacement boards, it comes with a 30 day unconditional guarantee and a 1 year repair/replacement warranty.
Price: $155
This is a drop in replacement power supply used in Williams pinball machines using the System 3 – 6 power supply board. This board replaces original part number D-7999-xxx

Price: $155
AVAILABLE AGAIN. This is a drop in replacement for Williams pinball machines using the System 7 – 11b power supply board. This board replaces original Williams part number D-8345-xxx or 117667 and Data East Part Number 520-5000-00.
Price: $149
This is a drop in replacement for Williams and Bally pinball machines using the System 11c power supply board. This board replaces original part number D-12246-xxx.